Saturday, December 4, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving day there was a special church service (the first since it isn't actually a holiday here!) that we attended. So yesterday was our big celebration here at the BLC (also our first)! I spent most of the day baking and frosting sugar cookies but took a break to complete the decorations in the cafeteria. My giant turkey went up as well as a beautiful cornucopia. The boys favorite part was that I had made signs that say "Gracias por ____" (Thank you for _____) and filled in each of their names. So the walls were filled with signs giving thanks for each one of them as well as each of the staff.

A group of friends came to make the dinner for the boys and they chose to make some absolutely delicious hamburgers. We started with a special prayer and then dug in to the burgers and cookies. Afterwards we gathered together for a service of our own. The boys sang several songs and then Pastor Angel (our administrative director) shared from the writings of King David a list of things that God has promised to us that we can give thanks for. The boys were very well behaved and enjoyed their first Thanksgiving celebration! Once everything was over, their first requests were if they could take down and keep their names!

The cookies were also apparently a hit, because Jorge has asked me to teach the kids how to make them, and the boys this morning were asking if I still had more in the apartment!

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