Thursday, November 12, 2009


Today is my birthday! It is the first time I have been able to be here in Bolivia for my birthday. Today is also Javier's birthday. He turns 12, I turn...more. I got up early this morning and headed to the church by public trufi. There is high speed internet there :) so I got some work done and bothered Sergio a little. I went back to the BLC around lunch time. In the afternoon, Sandra found me and asked me to help her with a project. But when we walked into the cafeteria, I found all of the staff and all of the boys clustered around one table. As the parted the way, I found a gigantic birthday cake!! It was so beautiful and I couldn't understand how they had gotten it there with our trufi still broken. The staff explained that the boys had cooked it. I was so impressed! It was delicious too!!

It was adorable to watch all of the little boys wait so patiently as everyone was handed a slice of the cake. No one touched it until everyone had some, and then Carlos prayed for me. Normally they eat so fast, I'm not really sure where all of the food goes. But the cake they ate slowly, savoring all 5 layers individually! The staff then gave me roses. So beautiful! I love flowers :)

For dinner, there was funnel cake. Apparently this is a normal meal here. My mom also called in the evening, and that really cheered me up. It was a good Bolivian birthday and I celebrated with some wonderful people.

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