Saturday, April 12, 2008

Children's Day

Today is Children's Day in Bolivia. Teachers will put on special programs for the children at school. Some prepare special dishes for the kids. Sandra was telling me that the mothers of the children often join them at school today for a meal. She said that one of the boys from the BLC asked her to come to his class last year. At first I thought about what an honor that was. This boy whom I know has had great struggles. He has not known a healthy, normal family. But he still sees the importance of sharing this time with someone he loves and trusts. And he asked Sandra to be that person for him. Then I thought about the pain that he must have felt, wanting to celebrate this holiday in his honor like all of his other classmates. But he had to find someone and invite them to replace the mother who should have been there. Sandra went on to tell me that she had several kids from the Life Center with doctors appointments that day and how she felt terrible because she had to leave early to continue working. I wish that I could be there more. I wish that I could just stay in Bolivia and be their mom and go to their school stuff with them and take care of them and just be there. I know that I am doing what God has called me to right now. I just pray that everyone who has found their way to this post and is interested enough in Bolivia and the children to actually read through it- I pray that each of you are doing all that God is telling you to do for these kids. Don't leave them hanging.

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