"I took you from the ends of the earth, from its farthest corners I called you. I said, 'You are my servant'; I have chosen you and have not rejected you." ~Isaiah 41:9
Monday, December 13, 2010
Yum Yum!!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Santa Cruz!
I got to make a lovely trip to Santa Cruz, Bolivia last week. Hermana Lita invited me to accompany her to help out in the national Pastors’ Conference as her husband is the current president. I had only been to Santa Cruz once before (2 days in March with the PBA team) and loved it, so I happily accepted.
I traveled by car with one of the pastors, the pastor’s son, and some girls who help out in the church. It was a 9.5 hour trip, but it was gorgeous. All morning we passed through the mountains, arriving in Chapare at noon for a lunch of delicious local fish. Chapare is the doorway to the Bolivian tropics, so from there on it only got flatter, hotter, and steamier. We arrived at the church sweating (no AC) just in time to head to the airport to pick up the pastor’s wife. We went to dinner near the church and then headed back for a meeting that lasted until 2am! Our churches here have 5am prayer every day, and seeing as it was a pastors’ conference we clearly had to be there.
The rest of the week for me consisted of helping prepare breakfast for the pastors that were staying at our church (the conference was in another church), accompanying Hermana Lita to the conference and meetings, helping the pastor’s son with driving directions, and helping to retrieve dinner for the pastors late at night.
I did get to return to our church with its pastor early one night and share my testimony during the service. It is really a wonderful church, new and small, but the people are all very open and quick to make friends. They really made me miss my old small group! After that service I helped Pastor Edson make purchases for the next day and rent tables. Our final day we held the post-conference meeting in our church. I helped to serve coffee and snacks, set up for lunch, serve the meal, and clean up. Once everyone was gone….we crashed!
The next day was the long drive back to Cochabamba. I must say that I miss Santa Cruz. It is a big city, hot and humid, so much like West Palm Beach. But there still isn’t anything better than pulling up to the BLC, seeing the kids pour out the door, being hugged and told you were missed. It is good to be home again!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Photos from the Farm
Birthday Fun
Yesterday was my birthday and absolutely amazing! It started with the normal routine of breakfast and getting the boys off to school. Then I decided to take a stroll in to the plaza to buy flowers for myself because I love them and I was sure that today I had a good excuse. I also stopped at the bakery for 2 freshly baked chocolate glazed donuts (grand total for 2 donuts and 3 bunches of flowers = $1).
We also had a field trip planned for the day (my first one since arriving) to a farm. So we gathered all the boys who weren’t in school and set out. It was a really beautiful farm that had lots of eco-friendly plans in use (solar cooking, solar water heating, gas from the compost pile collected for cooking on cloudy days, a waterless bathroom that resulted in compost, etc), lots of vegetable, a sheep, guinea pigs (we eat them here in Bolivia!), and 47 milking cows! The boys loved it and had lots of questions. We returned to the BLC for lunch, sent the boys off to school, and collected the boys that were returning for another trip to the farm!
The older boys went to the school soccer field to play at night, like they do every Friday but I decided not to accompany them this time. Just as I was falling asleep, I received a call from their supervisor saying that one of them had hurt his ankle and couldn’t walk and I needed to come see them right away. Since I had been nearly asleep, I fell for it and rushed to their dorm. As soon as I entered their room, the lights went out and the “hurt” boy jumped off the table revealing the bread and candle hidden behind him. They started singing happy birthday (rather terribly I must admit) and I knew that I was doomed having previously seen the Bolivian birthday tradition. As the song was coming to a close, they attacked. “Making birthday cake” they cracked 4 raw eggs over my head and then dumped a bag of flour on top!
How many people can say they had a wonderful day that ended with egg shell in their shower drain?
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Kissing Boys
Just the really little ones :) As I was thinking about ways that we can make the BLC more like a real family, I realized that we don’t show as much affection as a normal family. Especially a latin family! Some of it is due to sheer numbers. There are just so many of them and so few of us adults. And it is so easy to get occupied in activity and discipline that unnecessary affection slips quickly from the mind.
So daily kisses became my new goal for the 2 youngest dorms. Most frequently I sneak up behind them while they are eating a meal. Many try to run from me, but few get away! Some of them absolutely LOVE getting their kisses. One kiss per day is necessary, but they can ask for as many extra as they like. I have received requests (and delivered) 100 kisses on many occasions! I’ve also had a few boys recommend that I buy dark lipstick so that they can keep the kiss longer! And whenever the littlest ones are grouchy with no apparent reason, I recommend kisses as the cure and it nearly always works!
I’m pretty sure that I have the best job ever!!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Getting in the Groove
I’m so glad to finally feel like I’ve got the swing of things. I’ve got plenty to learn still and some big changes yet to tackle, but I think I’ve got day to day life down! I’m glad to have some routine back in my life, and it is time that I reintroduced blogging into that routine because…SO MUCH HAPPENS HERE!!
My daily routine for now looks like this: 6am wake up, prayer for the pastors and churches that I love so dearly, morning yoga, hot shower (if there is propane), downstairs for breakfast of bread and hot something-or-other to drink by 7:15, med distribution, at the gate by 7:40 to mark down who leaves for school on time, 20 minute walk to school (hopefully this is temporary for me…I’ve got a little buddy who needs to be accompanied to and from school while he regains trust), 20 minute walk back home, study time in the cafeteria with the morning boys until 10am. By now I need a quick break to make some tea as caffeine is a necessity. Then I head into the clinic (which I am using as my office) for some computer work. It doesn’t last long though, as I need to head back to the school at 11:40 to pick up my buddy. The walk home today will include a stop at the bakery as I could tell from the smell in town this morning that the bread will be fresh!
Straight to lunch on arrival, then supervision as the boys have free time until 2pm. My buddy stays with me so we do his devotional and then when he starts his homework I get to go back to work until 5pm. As the afternoon boys come out of their classes, my office is generally invaded (they all LOVE using word art to write their names and then change the size, shape, and color on my computer). I really enjoy the opportunity to chat with them as they wait their turn for the computer and they generally trickle out the door by 6:30. After grabbing a jacket from my room, it’s time for dinner, rounds of the dorms and supervision of the wash house, med distribution, hang out time with the teenage dorm (this generally involves downloading music to their MP3 players, watching a movie, or harassing them about girls), and if there are no disciple issues in the dorms it is finally time to head up to the apartment. If the water hasn’t been shut off yet, I get to rinse off the daily grim and then it is time for hot chocolate and prayer for my beloved monsters (boys). The goal is an 11pm bedtime. Yeah, right!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Summer Fun
The not so fun part was that my hard drive crashed and I was without computer for most of the summer. Thankfully, I have a new one now. But that means that this will just be a summer brief.
Nick, Jess, and I arrived at the beginning of June thanks to the Beckners for driving us down to Miami. We had just 48 hours to settle in before the teams started arriving. I got to meet the new Administrative Director, Angel and liked him immediately! He has a good plan for the BLC.
Julie brought a team of her nursing students from UNCC for our first team. It was such a blessing to be able to complete all of the boys’ exams in one week instead of dragging them through the clinic week after week! I was so shocked with how well this all girl team bonded with the grandes. Looking back, I think that helped them set their tone for the entire summer. I guess that dance party was even more awesome than I realized! We also got to tour a small health clinic. I’ll admit, I was pretty intimidated about translating all of that medical stuff!
Two weeks of enjoyment. There was a bit of a gap before the second team, and we enjoyed it to its fullest! We had lots of good times with the boys, went out for a delicious dinner with the Sidewalk crew, and WORKED. I have to admit that it looked like a bomb had gone off in the donation room. But we fixed it. It took the whole 2 weeks, but by the end absolutely everything was organized. Not only were all the clothes sorted by type, but folded and stacked by size. We removed every single item that was not right or worthy of our children. Even the toys and sports equipment were sorted and bagged. It was gorgeous. This is also when I fell in love with Angel, Rodo, and Jorge. When I realized how much torn and stained clothing we were holding onto, I suggested we burn all the rags. All 3 agreed :)
Christ Fellowship sent a small team and nearly all were in Bolivia for the first time. I love newbies! I’m not sure if it just wasn’t the will of God, or if it was a full on attack of the devil, but Sidewalk had a really difficult time just happening. The day they arrived there was a blockade, so we stayed home for the afternoon. Later in the week, there was another blockade and we were told we would never get around it. And the last day, well, we had a little accident. One the way to Sidewalk a drunk driver cut across the road causing the car in front of us to stop suddenly. Our bus packed with people doesn’t have the same kind of stop time, so we bumped them. Apparently the big Volvo behind us had even worse stop time, because it plowed into us. Thanks to God, no one was hurt beyond a few cuts. Some of the older boys were with us, and this trauma clearly triggered stronger reactions because of their past traumas. It broke my heart to see how scared they were, even though none of them were even scratched. It really showed that no matter how good they are looking on the outside, they continue to carry scares. I’m so glad that there was a team there to surround them and pray over them and just sit with their arms around their shoulders.
Lake Forest Team 1 arrived on the heels of CF. They were a little smaller than usual, but God made them that way on purpose. I’m not sure how they did it number wise, but they laid a layer of love over the boys THICK! The grandes were all over this team and when a change in flight schedule kept the team in Bolivia 2 extra days (and no room in the apartment because of the incoming team) the grandes were thrilled to have the boys from the team join them in their dorm. Pajama party anyone?
Lake Forest Team 2 finally got their wish of seeing the first team before they departed! They graciously melted right into the first team and were all over the boys. LF always has great Sidewalk skits and neither team brought anything less than awesome! They also did some crazy ditch digging and their work combined with the work of the first team saw the pipe from the well pump laid all the way to the corner of the Life Training Workshops. Unfortunately, another change in flight schedule meant they had to leave us a bit early. I don’t think any of us liked that very much.
The Open Team is always dear to my heart. Nearly all are good friends and many are from my home church! This year the team was even bigger as we welcomed several people from North Carolina for the first time. They were such a fun bunch and I’m convinced that several of them will be found doing similar works full time in the near future. Such a blessing! This team plowed through the drainage ditch (with a little grande help) and finished the first half of the rock foundation under the clothes lines. I wasn’t particularly interested in seeing them go, but something about already having bought the tickets and them having to work forced me to take them to the airport.
I got to stay an additional 2 weeks after then teams, but I’ll tell you more about that soon since it involves all of the independence day celebrations. The brief description is: WOW!!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Feliz Dia de las Madres!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
The Count Down!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Mother's Day
Thursday, May 6, 2010
So I like the zoo!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Disguised Blessing
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Earth Day
-Mark 8:36
Monday, April 19, 2010
I really wish that flights were cheaper (and time was unlimited) so that I could see everyone more often!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Children's Day
Well not in Bolivia! There truly is a Children’s Day!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Yard Work Day
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Friday, March 19, 2010
Dia del Padre
But today is also a rough day for many of the Bolivians that I love so much. So many of them have never known their fathers. And so many more have been abused and abandoned by their father. For some reason God has seen fit to bless me with a wonderful and complete family, and so I can only imagine what it is like for my boys at the BLC to have this bitter reminder. I think of the special projects that I did in school as a child to celebrate Mother’s and Father’s days and pray that my boys are always confident in being loved.
A special thank you to all of the Padrinos (godfathers…what the boys call their sponsors) who have become involved in the lives of the BLC boys. You mean so very much to them!!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Loving Santa Cruz
We cleaned up and rested in the afternoon and headed to the airport after an early dinner. I really enjoyed the church there and was just as sad to leave Santa Cruz as I had been to leave Cochabamba. How is it, that when you think your heart is completely filled with one place, that you can still find a second place that captures your heart equally? I’m left trying to plot ways to get back to Santa Cruz without giving up any of my Cochabamba time :)
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
In Cochabamba
Monday we explored Quillacollo, exchanging money, making phone calls home, and walking through the plaza. Then we got right to work sanding and painting the Pequeños dorm room. This team is full of painting beasts! The whole room was sanded, painted, and cleaned in one day! That night we headed downtown again just to explore the plaza, like true Bolivians :)
Tuesday morning we headed back into the Pequeños room and painted the ceiling. We got the whole thing done in just one morning! That left us with some time to hang out with the boys before getting cleaned up for the WEDDING! Pastor Jorge had been our official bus driver up until Monday at lunch when we finally sent him home to get ready :) Jorge and Vanessa are now married!!
We made a brief stop at the reception for photos and some hanging out, then headed off to dinner at Bufalos…where we ate way too much! Wednesday was our last day in Cochabamba and none of us was ready to think about leaving. We headed to the top of the Christ Statue…
…and then made a stop at La Cancha (largest outdoor market in all of South America!) In the afternoon we went out for another Sidewalk Sunday School to a village that had recently been devastated by flooding. The children were so beautiful and welcoming and the pastor of the small church took me all around showing me the damage from the mud as well as all that the church was working on and planning. It was the only church in the area that welcomes children (the others claim that children are too young to waste their time on).