If we could follow our conversations....I wonder what amazing things we would see. I got to be the deliverer of someone else's story the other day. John, my director, went to visit with a church that sent a group to Bolivia last summer. A young man there, Alex, told John about a conversation he had had with Nick, one of the hosts from last summer. Nick had mentioned to Alex that he was studying religion. At the time, Alex thought he was crazy. Now, nearly a year later, Alex was sharing with John how the trip to Bolivia had changed his life and made him redefine his spirituality. Alex is now a religion major. I got to pass that story on to Nick. Such a casual conversation. But where will Alex go in the future as a result?
It makes me wonder what I am saying in my daily conversations. Not the deep, sharing from the bottom of my soul conversations, just the "hey what do you do?" ones. Where will my words lead others?